Mate - Mystic (MysticFanFictioner23) - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1

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"I'm not sure I can do this...." She gripped her chest as she slowly walked inside the guild hall where all of her fellow guildmates, had stared at her given the fact that she hadn't been seen for weeks.

Mate - Mystic (MysticFanFictioner23) - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own] (1)

"Hi...everyone!..." Imara had greeted as her lips trembled, with only Natsu being welcoming towards her because his inner dragon, constantly screamed that she was his mate despite being an ice dragon slayer.

"Mara!!" He called while squeezing her in a tight hug, causing her to blush red as she tried to get out of his grip due to her social awkwardness. "Natsu!!....Put me down!!!" She squirmed as Lucy looked at her, having only joined the day prior and not being aware of who had been absent when she was being introduced. "Oh!" She finally noticed Lucy after punching Natsu over the head for hugging her, "You must be the new member that Mira told me about." She held out her hand to the celestial wizard, "My name is Imara Reyzaila. You can just call me Mara, I'm an S-Class wizard. Though I'm usually just hanging out at my house so this raspberry head, can't bother me." His head seemed to have imaginary ears that drooped, but Lucy simply chuckled due to Mara's obliviousness towards Natsu's obvious feelings. "Anyway, if you're going after Macao then I'll come with. I can handle snow due to to being an ice dragon slayer." Natsu became ecstatic at comment as he wanted to spend more time with her even if, he would technically be miserable due to the cold of Hakobe mountain.

"Yep...that's just Macao." Slapping the giant vulcan away wit her hand, Lucy was surprised to hear that as she was helped up by Mara while holding her blanket close, "Now, time for you to snap out of it Macao!!" She shouted as she used her favorite attack, "Ice Dragon Roar!!!" Grabbing the ice on the cavern floor and using it in a rolling ground like motion, the Macao Vulcan was slammed against the wall where he transformed back to normal. "I'll fly Natsu back to the guild, you make sure Lucy gets back safely Happy."


Natsu had tried to express his feelings to Imara for years ever since she had joined the guild when he was a teen, but despite his inner dragon screaming that she was his mate for life like most humans who have soulmates, it seemed that her inner dragon would never get the hint that they were meant to be. "Mara?" She had glanced at him with a smile, "Yes, Natsu?" He felt his knees going weak as she looked at him and he wanted so badly to jump her, which he wouldn't do since he respected her but he also knew of her curse that she was born with. Makarov had kept it a secret but Natsu found out when he was trying to play a prank on her, but walked in when she had swapped genders due to her curse which not even the top mages could break. "Nothing...anyway your curse hasn't acted up recently has it?" She shook her head as he pat her head, which made her purr in happiness. "Even if I do turn into "Mayer" again, you'll always be there to protect me." Yeah, even if he couldn't confess now or flirt enough for her to notice, just being by her side was enough for him.

Chapter 2: Girl!....No Wait....Boy!!....Which Is It?!?...


Imara's curse acts up as Erza asks her to help with a job, requiring her to be a woman which then ropes in Lucy and Natsu as they chase down a renegade guild conspiracy.

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"I don't know if I curse acts up at random times Erza." My eyes were quivering as she requested my help in a job, but I couldn't take any S class bounties because my of my curse. It was a curse placed upon me as a side-effect of the curse that Vermi picked up from the man she loved, but instead of draining my life it had caused me to inexplicably change genders at random times. So now I lead two lives as both myself and as "Mayer" the only male ice dragon slayer, but I don't resent her for it because she was the only one who took care of me despite everyone around me, claiming that I was a cursed child due to some connection to the mad dragon slayer. "I'll try to help just please don't mention this curse to the rest of the guild or Lucy." Heading out from my house, I had managed to get to the guild hall where Erza squished me in a hug. Though it wasn't out of the ordinary since I was her ingredient supplier, for when she made sweets in her free time due to being a huge dessert addict. "...Hi...Erpha...." My words came out muffled as she squished my face against her armor, so she finally let go as I sighed with relief that I hadn't changed yet. "So which dark guild is acting up now?" The redhead had smiled as she told me, "Eisenwald is attempting to retrieve the dark flute Lullaby in order to carry out an assassination attempt. I require your assistance to stop them because you can keep Gray and Natsu from fighting." Her smile scared the rest of them as she looked at Lucy, "I would like you to accompany us as well, Lucy. So let's go to Onibas, that's where Eisenwald's representative is supposed to be with the flute. They plan to send him to reconvene with their leader, Erigor."

Arriving at the train station, my body felt so much hotter than usual as I tried to get on the train with Erza and Lucy's help. "I don't...feel....good..." I looked like two peas in a sickness pod with Natsu who was leaning on my boobs, his motion sickness getting the better of him. "Is steam rising off of her?" Lucy sounded concerned as Erza quickly explained why I was practically steaming with fever, though she did use an excuse until I fainted while trying to combat Kageyama with Natsu's help. "Natsu...." My groan made him grab me as I lost consciousness with my entire body churning.

[Later on in Onibas]

"You're telling me this teenage boy is Imara!?!" Lucy called as she looked at Mayer who was really my crush and the male form of Mara, who had transformed due to her curse while on the train with Natsu. "I know it's hard to believe but yes, I'm Imara. I don't tell anyone this normally but I have an irremovable curse on me, it makes me change my gender randomly and that really stresses me out!" He flailed his arms as I pulled his sleeves up and then picked him up, being smaller than me despite his body being teenaged. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way but we need to stop Erigor, so I promise that I'll explain properly later!"

Holding onto me with some ice ropes, he used his ice wings to fly us to Oshibana station with our friends close behind but it was adorable to me, that hse was putting in so much effort to carry me with him. "Stop right there, Erigor!!" He shouted as Erigor remarked on how f*ckable Mayer looked which angered me greatly, causing me to fight Kageyama as Mayer helped Erza deal with Erigor who revealed that he was after the Guild Leaders who were currently meeting. "Let's do this, Erza!!" I could hear his cute voice from the other room as he used his powerful dragon slayer magic, to wipe the floor with the enemy mages in one swift move while carefully aiding Era. "Hang in there, Mayer!!!! My shout reached him as he resisted the teleport Erigor tried to force on him and followed him, trusting us to follow him in time.'I'll make sure to catch up to you, Mayer!!'


"Stop running, you scum!!" My wings started to melt as I felt myself weakening due to having not eaten any ice, but luckily they managed to hold out as I cornered him outside in a canyon. "Stop this idiocwy now, Erigor!!" He merely chuckled at my size as I used my ice dragon slayer magic to knock his scythe away, "Ice Dragon Wing Beat!!!" covering the nearby walls in ice, I manipulated them to close in on him like a vice as he tried to flee with his wind magic. "I'll freeze you in place until you're nothing but a face in a block of ice!!" My growl made him taunt me as I blocked each of his spells easily, my power being amplified when I was in my male form due to my socially awkwardness fading, as I didn't feel like I was "Mara" so I felt I could talk to people more comfortably. "Ice Dragon Screech!!!" Setting his wind barrier on ice using my ice screech that had been inspired by my favorite video game, Erigor flew back into part of the canyon that I had frozen which shackles holding him against it no matter how hard, he thrashed to escape. "Ice Dragon Crash!!!!" Stabbing him with multiple icicles as he laid unconscious with Kageyama having stolen the etherious demonic flute. Which ended up entering its true demonic form and attacking the meeting hall after all of the guild masters evacuated. "Let's do this guys!!" They were surprised to see me but Makarov merely nodded much to the distress of his peers, "Ice Dragon Body Slam!!!" In addition to Erza and Natsu's help along with Gray, we managed to defeat Lullaby as the expense of the Clover conference hall.

"Oops." I later commented when Natsu had burst in the courtroom while holding me as we went home, where Laxus accosted my favorite fire dragon boy and insulted me for being a disgrace to the rest of the S-class wizards. "I can't control the fact that I'm cursed, you jackass." Natsu pet my head as I sat on his lap, having been roped into their scheme to complete an S ranked quest despite my disability.

Chapter 3: Ice + Ice vs Blue Ice


Still stuck as Mayer, our lovable protagonist gets stuck going on an S ranked quest to Galuna Island. And boy.....does he wish he was in his girl body.

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Mate - Mystic (MysticFanFictioner23) - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own] (2)

"This isn't fair!!! I'm still stuck like this yet you dragged me on an S ranked quest?!?!" Natsu chuckled as he saw how worked up Mayer was since he hadn't turned back to his girl form yet, having decided to bring the only S class wizard he knew but that same wizard was handicapped.

"This curse of theirs isn't a curse. They've been losing their memories due to Moon Drip. It can be used to melt ice made by wizards from spells powerful enough to cost the caster's life." Gray's eyes had been wide after he heard that and caused him to respond, "Like a spell strong enough to freeze an etherious demon down to the bones?" Mayer nodded as Gray revealed the identity of the demon they found stuck in ice, "That's Deliora, the etherious demon of destruction who ravaged my hometown and killed my mentor. Ur used Iced Shell to seal it away but the only other person who knew where it was sealed....don't tell me that emperor they're referring to is...!!" Calming him down after his hunch on who Reitei was had been confirmed, the ice dragon slayer had felt the ice himself with Gray's permission to feel for a pulse. Removing her hand shortly after as Lyon confronted Gray and Mayer, "Your pursuit is useless, Lyon. Deliora is no longer alive within the ice, time has unfortunately allowed Iced Shell to penetrate it to its bones. Had you created this plan twelve years ago, you may have succeeded but Deliora is no more now." Lyon mocked the small teen's size but he whacked him with a imitative ice make spell, using an ice hammer to smack him in the face hard. "PPPFFTTTT!!!!" Gray tried to stifle his laugh as steam suddenly surrounded Mayer, and Lyon was in shock to see a slender woman around Lucy's age with darker blue hair and greenish blue eyes, wearing an outfit similar to that of Sherry but lacking her eccentric scarf.

"You were saying? You pathetic excuse for a wizard."Her hands started to glow with her dragon slayer magic as she absorbed Lyon's ice and launched it back at him, "Ice Dragon Screech!!!!" An ear piercing screech hit his ears as Ice projectiles flew with it, the sound waves from the attack being ice magic that froze when it hit Lyon's body and hands. Lyons eyes widens as the aura she had reminded him of the daughter of evil, the daughter of the mad dragon Acnologia, Iriesa. "You're finally dear goddess of evil!"She shrugged when Lucy asked her what Lyon was talking about along with Gray, "I have no idea to be honest. Something something evil....something something daughter of the mad dragon...ancolige?" Causing Makarov to react when they returned to the guild, "He compared you to the daughter of the Mad Dragon Acnologia?!" Mara was confused until Makarov shared the story of the Mad Dragon, who used Dragon slayer magic along with the name of a dragon he despised to strike fear into the hearts of those in the past, having vowed to destroy all dragons due to viewing them as evil even if it meant he had to kill his own daughter who was a dragon due to himself turning into one. That same daughter being known in history as the evilest dragon to exist with a will that extended to the present, by her creation of ice dragon slayer magic which had been thought to be extinct before Imara showed up at the guild as a child and was able to use it.

"Hey!! Let Go!!!" The guild was later on high alert, after Gajeel Redfox from the Phantom Guild had kidnapped Imara due to her suspected connection to Iriesa, having gone so far as to damage the guild hall with his steel dragon slayer magic. "We will only give your precious guild member back once we get confirmation from who hired us. Until then, don't even try to come after us!!!" The phantom's leader had sent them a message which infuriated Natsu who had been preparing, to confess to Mara before she had been kidnapped. His rage boiling as he tried to go after her despite being warned by Erza not to, having personally gone after Gajeel who was responsible for guarding Mara and wanting to save her. "Let me go, you coward!!" She shouted as she struggled against Gajeel who was trying to undress her, his orders from his guild master being from the ones who paid them to kidnapped her. "Nnnnnghhhh!!!! Stop....!!!!...." She kicked him as hard as she could in the groin as he let go of her trembling form, having managed to get her undressed but unable to lay a hand on her like he was ordered. "You're more fiery than I thought for a mere imitation of the legendary daughter of evil." He licked his lips as he reached out towards her, "I'm going to have fun making you my mate." She flinched away while screaming at the top of her lungs in desperation, her ,agic power having been drained by Aria while she was knocked out during her initial capture. "NATSU!!!!!!"


I was already seething with rage when I had learned that Imara had been kidnapped by Phantom due to one of their contracts, but when I saw her half naked with her dress torn and Gajeel standing over her trembling form, I went blind with rage. "How dare you!!!!" Throwing him back with my fire powered punches, he had little time to retaliate as I instinctually dodged his blows and laid down twice the amount of pain onto him. "NATSU STOP!!!" My hands were held back as I saw Imara trying to cover herself up while crying, "It's over...dork....just stop....hic...." Shakily pulling her closer, she hugged me warmly as I slowly calmed myself down. "Natsu.....I really like how warm you are." She smiled against my chest as she slowly stopped crying, but I knew what she really meant by that. "I love you too."

Chapter 4: Iriesa the Shadow of Imara


Phantom's leader reveals why his employer wants Imara after he is captured by Fairy Tail.

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"" His lips pressed against her as she kissed him back, letting Natsu shield her as they went back to the guild, where she promptly fell asleep. "It's time we tell you the story behind how she arrived at the guild." Makarov finally told them, "Imara is the reincarnation of the daughter of evil, Iriesa. Our guild's founder Mavis Vermillion remains alive due to her body being crystalized lacrima, she found her when she was a child along with Zeref and Layla Heartfilia's ancestor." He continued while showing them a vision of the past, "She was sent to our time along with you and the other dragon slayers as children, in order to thwart the revival of Acnologia and Iriesa." Makarov finished, "Iriesa died in a battle against Irene Belserion after Zeref enchanted the latter to have her human appearance back. She was shortly reincarnated into a child who had been born in a village nearby, and found by a dying Mavis." He coughed then actually finished, "Zeref later sent her to our time and Layla Heartfilia received her along with the dragon slayer children, at the cost of using her life force to supplement Aquarius key which had been absent when she opened the Eclipse Gate." Natsu demanded to know what that had to do with Imara, and Gray explained the gist of it to him, "In order for Acnologia to revive, it requires the power of you and the other dragon slayers. But to revive Iriesa after her soul has already been reincarnated, requires the sacrifice of the reincarnation who possesses her ice dragon slayer powers."

He grew angry as he realized what that actually meant, it meant that those seeking to revive the Mad Dragon and his daughter would have to use the power of the chosen dragon children, as well as sacrifice the soul of Imara to reform it as Iriesa once more. "Natsu....: She mumbled in her sleep as he pat her head, both of them now possessing a mating mark in the same color which meant they were official mates. "I won't let them ever touch her. I'll kill anyone who tries to take her from me." Twelve days later, Loki became contracted to Lucy after his exile was ended and Natsu could finally be lovey dovey with Mara & Mayer in public. "Awww....I love you too...." She softly responded to him everything her hugged or touched her, a stark contrast to her previously socially awkward nature which Natsu had explained, was probably because of the unfinished mate mark on her. "Natsu!!!" Mara had been stuck in the guild hall with Natsu on the other side, preventing them from being together as the fire dragon slayer was forced to participate in Laxus's Battle Royale, that he had enacted during the festival. "Let me out of here, Fried!!!!" She shouted at the runic wizard who shrugged at her shouts, despite the two of them having been friends since she joined as a child. Mate - Mystic (MysticFanFictioner23) - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own] (3)

"I SAID LET ME OUT!!!!" Her powers grew stronger as she gave into her rage, causing the runic spell to slightly break enough for her to escape into her mate's arms but it was cut short, when they were forced to fight each other."I don't wannna fight my mate!!!" She cried out as Fried chuckled at her, his curiosity over seeing who was the strongest overpowering his close friendship with her, "I'm sorry, honey!!!" She shouted as she readied her power, "Ice Dragon......Round Stomp!!!" Freezing Fried's runic spell and shattering it, she grabbed Natsu's hand then ran with him to go help their friends while flying with her ice wings.

"Geez, why are you so fricking heavy!!!!!" Her arms barely held onto him as they managed to find Gray, with his mate dropping him on top of their friend then landing beside their crumpled forms. "We're here to help!!!" Her body turned into Mayer as she grumbled in annoyance, but he managed to land a few good hits on Bickslow before going after Fried. "Put the sword down, jerk." He chased him as he went to go find another opponent, sending waves of icy attacks at him until finally kicking his ass by making an illusion of Laxus to distract him. "Ice Dragon Blizzard Roar!!!!" Throwing his body into Evergreen who had been terrorizing the remaining guild members, she glowered down at the self proclaimed Fairy Queen and Bickslow who were terrified of her, now that she was angry. "Who's next?" She inquired as she attacked Bickslow with an ice rope that had a blade attached at the end, eyes now clouded by rage as she attacked indiscriminately among those in front of her which threatened her mate, as well as Gajeel and Erza. "Mara, calm down!!! You're attacking everyone here and destroying all the buildings!!!" Natsu called at her as she practically KO-d Bickslow after throwing him into a wall, Evergreen having reversed the stone curse on the rest of the girls in the guild hall. "....HEEhhhhheee.....HAaaaahaaaa....haaa.....heee.....!!!!..." She jettisoned herself forward with ice, rushing to where the thunder palace was at top speed along with Natsu who was desperate to calm her down.

'Almost there.....almost there...almost there!!!!....' Her ice wings dissipated as she shouted, "Ice Dragon Claw!!" Damaging the wall as she glanced down at Gajeel and Natsu, then propelled down to kick Laxus with an icy foot that he wasn't able to dodge in time due to having tried to zap the other two dragon slayers. "What's the matter? Too scared, Laxus?" Easily dodging the attack, Natsu helped her by using her prior icy wall as a spring board to launch his own in retaliation. "Fire Dragon Roar!!!" He shouted as Gajeel followed suit from the other side, "Iron Dragon's sword!!!" Catching her as Gajeel's strike swooshed past them, Natsu had effectively created an opening for Laxus who whacked Gajeel away with his electricity. "Ready, Natsu?" She asked as he nodded and they combined their fists, "Water Dragon Lance!!!" He cackled wickedly while trying to electrocute them but found, that his electric attacks were conductive through the attack headed right at his face. "Take this you jerk!!!" Slamming him into the wall harshly, Mystogen who had been watching from the sidelines merely smirked at the duo. Landing unceremoniously into the ceiling then getting launched into the wall, when he tried to attack again but was repelled by a wall made out of water with fire and ice mixed in. "Let's do this you two!!" She shouted as her body transformed during her free fall towards Laxus, creating a joint spell with her boyfriend and Gajeel. "Silver Dragon Screeching Lance!!!"


"He put up a fight didn't he?" Natsu was holding me as I sat on his lap, Laxus underneath us with a blank stare directed towards the ceiling of the now ruined cathedral. "Too bad in the end, its your feelings that dictate your magic's effect." normally Natsu would complain that I wanted to sit on his lap, but because I was in my male form which just so happened to be smol and adorable, he didn't mind as much. Thankfully the Fantasia parade went on as planned with myself wearing a cute butterfly costume, and Natsu being my platform along with Gajeel. "KYAAAAA!!!!" A bunch of bystanders had called as another shouted, "Mayer is so adorable!!!!!"

Chapter 5: Oracion Seis and The Secret of Nirvana


The group known as the Oracion Seis makes their move to try and retrieve the dark magic Nirvana, a magic known to convert those to good to evil and evil to good. Their target is unknown, but little do they know, that it has more to deal with a looming threat in the future.

Chapter Text

"So that's the legendary Mayer!!!!" Jason started to geek out as he saw the male version of Imara who was a bit taken aback, until Natsu protected her from Jason who ended up going to talk to Gray and Juvia. That is until Natsu confronted him about the true coverage that Jason had reported, before getting punched by the fire wizard, who then went to protect his mate who was being flirted with by Gajeel. Though when their guild was forced to team up with three other ones as a part of a crime fighting project, Makarov constantly rebutted Natsu when he requested that his girlfriend be allowed to work in their team, due to suspecting that the Oracion Seis was aligned with the same group who was attempting to resurrect dark beings who were in the same league as Acnologia. "I have a bad feeling about who our enemies are allied with, so Imara will not be involved with the team no matter how much you ask and beg." Juvia was then put in charge of protecting Imara after Natsu wore down his wall of patience, having been placed in the same team with Lucy and the others.

"My name is Imara Reyzaila. Nice to meet you." She politely greeted the others as Wendy was ecstatic to see someone as docile as herself, with Lyon expressing some of his fanatical praises every once in a while which were about Iriesa, to which he would always get punched by Mara. "As you probably already know, I'm an Ice Dragon Slayer. Natsu is a Fire Dragon Slayer, and Wendy is a Sky Dragon Slayer." Looking out for Wendy along with Natsu, even during their scouting party to find Nirvana which was capable of sowing chaos among good, and peace among evil. "Well, you also have me. I won't let any of us get left behind." Erza commented as she glanced at her friends and the bluenette girl, of whom she could tell had been different even before Imara revealed their information. The rest of them having to keep up with Natsu and Imara, who had sped off quickly but accidentally led his girlfriend off a cliff with him. "Honey, I swear imma kill you if we survive this fall!!!!" She shouted as they managed to survive then saw the Magic Bomber that Ichiya affectionately named Christina, get taken down by the rest of the Oracion Seis who had already gotten to Ichiya before the meeting began. "Gemini, get that girl now." Angel had called once they recognized who the ice dragon slayer was, and just how crucial she was to their associates future plans. "Ice Dragon Wing Beat!!!" She shouted while catching Racer and his associate off guard, making sure to not let them touch her as she helped her allies. Cobra's attack barely catching her as she single-handedly fended them off until Wendy helped her, by healing the others.

"Wendy, run!!!" She shouted as her body transformed into Mayer with Carla accidentally being taken with him, "Imara!!!" She shouted as Natsu's blood boiled in rage at having lost his mate again, "I have to go find them!!" Happy stopped him as Wendy agreed, with Sherry expressing doubts about Wendy's capabilities until she healed Erza's poisoning.

[Oracion Seis Hideout]

"Why is she important to us?" Cobra asked as Brain had told them, "She is the key, with her power we can revive him. We just have to awaken her memories as Iriesa that she's lost due to time." Mayer shrieked in pain as Brain zapped her over and over much to Carla's dismay and horror, the commander of the dark guild trying to cause her so much pain that the darker side of her rage fueled power, which was the only remnant of Iriesa's power within her. As according to her history which had been uncovered by Brain, the gender bending ability she had was caused by a remnant of Iriesa's Polymorph ability which hadn't manifest properly, and as a result caused fluctuations in her gender. "ARGGGGHHHHAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Her voice shrieked as she was shocked repeatedly until her gender changed yet again, finally fainting from the repeated abuse which made Brain stop for now. "..............Ughhhh......" She groaned as the battle swapped tides due to Nirvana affecting everyone among them, including herself when she woke up to find that there was an overwhelming evil presence threatening to consume her psyche.

"Where is....this strange place...?.. Wasn't I just fighting alongside father....wait....where is father?..."

Chapter 6: The Daughter of Evil Awakens


Her spirit awakened inside Imara who had now gone unconscious in their shared body, Iriesa goes to seek out Nirvana for herself only to come across an amnesiac Jellal.

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Mate - Mystic (MysticFanFictioner23) - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own] (4)

"Who are you? Where am I......where did my father, Acnologia go?..." Jellal had glanced at her briefly before turning back to the light of Nirvana, as she stood with her hair completely different along with her outfit which was more seductive, "I have no idea who Acnologia is, but you are the one who created this darkness. How do you disperse it?"

Erza was baffled to see that the talks Makarov had regarding Imara's past self were true, but listened as Iriesa told them, "The only way to disperse Nirvana is to absorb it into one's body and destroy the vessel with Nirvana inside it." Her horns grew mor pronounced as she explained to them, "When I created Nirvana as a way to circumvent physical warfare during the era of an ancient empire, I never created a surefire way for it to be destroyed. It was intended to reverse peace and replace with chaos, then replace chaos with peace." She continued to explain even as Erza was being blown back by Nirvana, "It eventually grew into a city after it was stolen from the empire by the Nirvits, and now forever lives as a city of darkness." Dispelling the magic circle that Jellal drew on himself with a wave of her finger, her body started to reverse to that of Imara's as she relinquished control to her co-host, "I am not as malicious as I used to be so for now consider my willingness to cooperate a truce." Vanishing as the wounds on her body reappeared, the ice user had fallen unconscious with her body in shambles from Brain's torture. "" she murmured as Erza realized there were now teal tattoos on her shoulder blades in a strange pattern.

"Where's my mate!?!" Natsu had charged at Brain as Erza brought Jellal and the woman in question to where he was fighting, causing the fire dragon slayer immense rage when he saw how injured she had become while in Brain's captivity. Defeating him in epic fashion with his friends help, and catching Imara as she fell from the moving city with high acceleration. But both were used as a battery source later on by Daphne who was aided by Gray Surge, the Edolas Counterpart to Gray Fullbuster who was married to his world's Juvia and had a son with her. "Natsu!!!" It looked dark as she swarm through the inside of the dragonoid's core, eventually finding her comatose boyfriend who she embraced tightly. "....Please wake up for me... I can't bear to go on in this life without you..." A blinding light proceeding to shine from them as she finally accepted, her feelings that she repressed for him along with her previous identity as the daughter of evil. "...Ancient powers of light...I sincerely beg of you to annihilate...the bringers of darkness and light...." Horns sprouted from her head as she unknowingly harmonized with Iriesa's soul, casting a light magic so strong that it was considered an extinct magic that was far older than any known forgotten magic. "...Leoht Eradicare...."

[Outside the Destroyed Dragonoid]

"Wake up, wake up!!!!" Hands pressed on my chest as I felt an overwhelming weight on my body, but my eyelids were so heavy that I couldn't open them...not even my muscles were responding, when I tried to move my limbs. "Wendy....heal her!!" A shrill voice had called as the healing spell had done nothing to help, with one of them saying that I had darkness now in my body that was preventing the spell from working. ".....ugh...." They heard my groan as someone began shaking me over and over, until I threw up with my eyes closed. "....Blegggghhhhh...." Slowly my eye opened and I saw Natsu, covering in my throw up but tearing up because I had regained consciousness. My hand clutching his as I smiled, "...Good favorite dragon boy."

Mate - Mystic (MysticFanFictioner23) - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.