How Many Burp Cloths Do You Need? (With Alternatives & FAQs) (2024)

Many parents struggle to figure out how many of what they need when it comes to caring for their new baby. As one example, you might wonder how many burp cloths you need, whether or not you need them, and some good alternatives that could be used instead.

Most veteran parents would recommend getting about a dozen large burp cloths to get you through the newborn phase. While burp cloths are designed to absorb spit-up, drool, and other bodily fluids, they will remain useful even after your baby has grown into a toddler because they are so versatile and useful.

Burp cloths are a tool that can make messes easier to handle. They can save your sanity and that new blazer you just bought for work. Keep reading if you want to know more about burp cloths and how they can make life simpler for you.

Table of Contents

What Are Burp Cloths Anyway?

Babies can be unpredictable. They have blowouts, fill their diaper right after you change it, and they spit up like it’s their job. Spit up can ruin your whole day, especially if you’re already running late and have to change your outfit…again. Fortunately, you can keep spit-up off of your clothing with the help of a burp cloth.

A lot of babies will spit up when they are burped. It’s very common for healthy babies to spit up due to infant acid reflux. Stomach contents are usually kept down in the stomach by the lower esophageal sphincter. However, until this muscle fully develops and matures, spitting up can be an issue, especially if your baby has a full belly.

Burp cloths are what you would use to keep the spit up off of your clothing. They simply drape over your shoulder or your lap, depending on how you burp your baby. They come in a variety of colors, patterns, sizes, and textures. They also serve many purposes other than just catching spit-up. They’re useful for wiping food off of faces when the baby is at that stage and wiping runny noses.

Let’s look at some of the most common questions that parents might have about burp clothes.

Are Burp Cloths and Receiving Blankets the Same?

One question that new parents have a lot is if burp cloths and receiving blankets are the same. In a sense, yes they are.

A receiving blanket could be thought of as a larger version of a burp cloth. The burp cloth, however, is smaller than the blanket. Sometimes this creates an issue, though. Since the burp cloth is so small, it may fall off easily while you’re trying to burp the baby. The receiving blanket can be easily draped over your shoulder without falling.

As the baby gets older, you can use the receiving blanket for tummy time, as a changing table cover, and for keeping the baby comfortable and warm after a bath. Once the baby is old enough to not need them anymore, you can repurpose the receiving blankets. You can use them as rags, make them into a quilt, or just fold them up and save them for the next one if you plan to add to your family further.

Check out some of these cool burp cloth ideas. You can make them from receiving blankets if you prefer the smaller version.

Are Burp Cloths Necessary?

Well, if you like to smell like regurgitated breast milk or formula, then they aren’t necessary. However, if you like to keep your clothing free of the sour milk smell, then the burp cloth may be necessary.

Why babies need to be burped

You see, babies have to be burped after they eat, it’s an absolute must. As they eat, they swallow air. This air gets trapped in their bellies and they may become fussy and inconsolable. In order to release this gas, they need to be burped.

According to pediatricians at the Westchester Health Pediatrics group, burping your baby during and after every feeding will help keep those painful gas pains at bay. It’s recommended that your baby be burped before switching breasts if breastfeeding. If you are using formula, burp between every 2-3 ounces until they are at least 6-months old.

Why babies have gas

Babies have gas for a variety of reasons:

  • As bacteria break down certain foods in the stomach, it will naturally create gas. This includes what the mother eats if the baby is breastfeeding. If the mother eats foods that cause gas, it will be passed onto the baby.
  • If the baby can’t tolerate food that the mom is eating, whether, from an allergy or just a regular intolerance, this can cause the body to have a reaction. This reaction is the creation of gas. The most common intolerance a baby has is dairy. This intolerance can cause diarrhea, cramping, and bloating in tandem with the gas.
  • The mom’s diet plays a key role in the baby’s gas problems if they are breastfeeding. The National Institutes of Health says that foods high in carbohydrates and dairy will more likely cause gas than anything else.
  • If your baby eats formula from a bottle, they can get gas from too much air in the bottle. Shaking the bottle too much will add air to the liquid, leading to more gas and more spit-up. If this happens, let the bottle settle before allowing them to eat from it.

What Size Should Burp Cloths Be?

There really is no ideal size for a burp cloth.

It all just depends on how you’re burping the baby and how you are draping the cloth. Small cloths are great for sitting on your lap if you’re burping your baby facing forward. Some moms like these ones if they are used to being spit up on because they’re convenient. You can clean yourself up, change your clothes, and toss the cloth in the washing machine.

However, the bigger clothes are what a lot of moms prefer to use because they can be draped over the shoulder easier. If they aren’t used to being spit up on, they like to use the larger ones to stop the regurgitation explosion that comes from their tiny mouths. They offer better protection and can be used in a multitude of ways.

Ways to burp a baby and what cloth to use

As a new parent, you may not realize that there is more than one way to burp your baby. Here are a few ways you can relieve their gas:

  • Hold the baby over your shoulder: While supporting your baby’s head and back with one hand, use the other to pat their back. The larger burp cloth is better for this. It easily drapes over your shoulder and down your back in case they spit-up.
  • Sit them on your lap: This isn’t the traditional way you may have seen a baby being burped. In this method, you will support your baby’s chest and head with one hand. You will want to hold their chin in your palm while resting the heel of your hand on their chest. Use your other hand to pat their back. Both the small and large cloth are great for this method. The small cloth won’t fall off your lap as it will on your shoulder.
  • Facedown: While supporting their head, lay your baby down on your lap and gently pat their back. You can use the small cloth under their head as it won’t bunch up like the larger one.

How To Use Burp Cloths

Parents use burp cloths in their own ways unless you’re a macho dad who says he doesn’t need a burp cloth.

If you want to use one, you can easily spread it over your shoulder before you place the baby for burping. You will want to do this beforehand because just lifting the baby can create the spit-up. You’re going to place it horizontally so that it covers both the front and back of your shoulder. If you’re using the lap method, place the cloth over your lap so it catches whatever may come out of your baby’s mouth.

As with most parenting-related tasks, be prepared to adapt to your baby and how she burps best.

How Long do Babies Use Burp Cloths?

Realistically, you can use a burp cloth for as long as you want. You can repurpose them, use them to wipe your baby’s face, and more. However, in terms of being used to burp the baby and catch spit up, you can use one for around 6 to 9 months. Once your baby has begun sitting and moving around, they don’t need to be burped as the gas will naturally escape as they move.

How to Make Burp Cloths Yourself

Before you begin making your burp cloths, it’s important to make sure you have the right material. Here are some of the best fabrics to use for burp cloths:

  • Chenille: 10-ounce cotton chenille is one of the best choices for burp cloths. Not only is it thick, but it’s durable and soft. They have fantastic water retention and if you want to make it even more absorbent, pair it with terry cloth on the backside. Chenille can be easily laundered in cold water and dried on low heat. It lasts long and it’s hypoallergenic as it’s 100% cotton.
  • Terry Cloth: Terry cloth is super absorbent and soaks up quickly. It’s made from 100% cotton, making it hypoallergenic. It’s super soft and very versatile.
  • Flannel: Flannel is durable and soft, absorbent, and it will get softer with each wash. It’s 100% cotton, making it hypoallergenic. Make it fun by choosing cute patterns like animals.
  • Bamboo: You wouldn’t necessarily think of bamboo as fabric, but it’s actually pretty great for burp cloths. Bamboo is soft, antibacterial, and breathable. Not to mention, eco-friendly.
  • Minky: Minky is super popular as it is soft, comes in a variety of colors, and can be machine washed. Combine it with flannel for even more absorbency.

What you need

To make burp cloths, you will need fabric scissors, the fabric of your choice, fabric pins, pen or pencil, regular scissors, thread, ruler, and a brown bag to make the pattern. If you have patience, you can sew them by hand. If you have a sewing machine, this would be your best bet.


Here’s how to make your own burp cloth:

  1. Wash your fabric. This will keep them from shrinking after you have made them.
  2. Make your pattern. Use your brown bag to sketch the pattern. The average size for cloth is 19.5 x 7.5 x 10.5 inches.
  3. Cut your cloth. Fold the fabric in half as you will be cutting two sides at a time. Pin your pattern to the fabric and cut.
  4. Pair your fabric if you want. You can use two of the same fabric or pair. Try chenille and terry cloth for extra absorbency.
  5. Lastly, sew your fabric. Put the right sides out and sew around the edge with the color thread of your choice. Once you are done, you can use them for yourself or give them away as gifts for your soon-to-be parent friends.

If you need templates, check out this link.

How Many Burp Cloths Do You Need? (With Alternatives & FAQs) (2024)


How Many Burp Cloths Do You Need? (With Alternatives & FAQs)? ›

Newborns can easily go through 3-5 or more burp cloths in a day, so if you multiply that by how often you expect to be doing laundry, that's how many burp cloths you should have on hand for your newborn. Plus, a couple extra for the diaper bag(s).

How many burp cloths do you need? ›

If you are wondering, 'how many burp cloths do I need?' It depends on how often your young one spits up, the number of feedings(which are unnumbered as they are still breastfeeding), and how often you want to do the laundry. But anywhere between eight to 14 burp cloths is a good number to have for a single baby.

How many burp cloths to put on registry? ›

Putting the Right Number of Burp Cloths on Your Registry

Register for 10 to 12 cloths in various patterns or colors. The soft material is excellent for everything from gently wiping a wet chin after a feeding to sopping up drool. If you buy ones in a hue other than white, they're less likely to stain.

Do you really need burp cloths? ›

A burp cloth is the best way to keep your newborn clean and dry which is why it is necessary to have an abundance. Not to mention newborn clothes get dirty so quickly with breastmilk or bottles, you would be saving yourself from endless loads of laundry by utilizing cloths.

How long do babies need burp cloths? ›

Babies usually need burp cloths for as long as they're fed by bottle or breast. It's different for every child, but they get most of their sustenance from milk until about 12 months of age. While many children continue drinking milk after their first birthday, they may not still need to be burped each time.

How many burps are enough? ›

Try burping your baby every 2 to 3 ounces (60 to 90 milliliters) if you bottle-feed and each time you switch breasts if you breastfeed. Try burping your baby every ounce during bottle-feeding or every 5 minutes during breastfeeding if your baby: tends to be gassy. spits a lot.

How many bibs cloths do I need? ›

Four to six bibs per child are optimal, depending on how many children you have. For most newborns, a handful of drool bibs should be enough. Not forgetting that this newborn can still make quite the mess. Factors like feeding, drool, and laundry will also be an excellent guide to how many bibs you need.

Is a receiving blanket the same as a burp cloth? ›

Receiving blankets are softer and larger, suitable for wrapping the baby or laying them down. Burp cloths, though less soft, are designed for durability and high absorbency, making them practical for use during and after feeding.

Should you wash burp cloths before use? ›

Old or new, always start the laundry process by checking the item's laundry care symbols. Pre-washing doesn't mean you have to wash and dry every single onesie, burp cloth, and towel before the baby is born. Just make sure to wash baby clothes or linen before you use them.

What kind of burp cloths are best? ›

ProductAbsorbency Rating
Copper Pearl Burp Cloth9
Gerber Prefold Gauze Dia...9
Aden + Anais Burpy Bib8
Burt's Bees Baby8
5 more rows
May 30, 2024

At what age can you stop burping a baby? ›

Most babies will outgrow the need to be burped by 4-6 months of age. You can often tell that a baby needs to be burped if he or she is squirmy or pulling away while being fed. This being said, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents try to burp their baby: When a nursing mother switches breasts or.

How often should I change my burp cloth? ›

How often should I wash my burp cloths? The bad news is that most of what your baby will spit up can stain your burp cloths. That means that you'll probably want to wash them after every use.

Do I need to bring burp cloths to the hospital? ›

Burp cloths - Your newborn will have lots of feedings as you get used to a new routine, which means you'll be burping your baby a lot – bring burp cloths to clean up after your little one. Swaddle and blanket - No matter the weather, swaddling your newborn is always a good idea.

How many layers should a burp cloth be? ›

For each burp cloth, cut one piece of flannel, one piece of terry cloth and one piece of batting. There's no need to be crazy meticulous here. I think it's fine to stack the fabrics and whack them with a rotary cutter if you have one.

What color burp cloth to get? ›

Go For A Slightly Darker Color

You will typically get more use out of darker colors as they can camouflage the stains on the baby burp cloths. Choosing a light-colored one might not be the ideal since it will get easily stained and you will need to replace is often.

How many washcloths do you need for a newborn? ›

It's good to have at least a few infant washcloths — four or five to start. That way, you'll always have a fresh one ready, and you can use extras as burp cloths for feeding your little one. Due to the small size, washcloths are usually the most affordable bath linens, and they don't take up much storage space.

Do I need to wash burp cloths before use? ›


Old or new, always start the laundry process by checking the item's laundry care symbols. Pre-washing doesn't mean you have to wash and dry every single onesie, burp cloth, and towel before the baby is born. Just make sure to wash baby clothes or linen before you use them.


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